Is Newborn Photography Safe?
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Tuesday, February 07, 2023
By Olivia Grey Pritchard Photography
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I get it - you're worried about that precious new baby that's either on the way or already here! I felt the same way with my newborn, so I wanted to talk about newborn photography safety at OGP.

First: germs. We test for COVID before every single newborn session. We are all fully vaccinated and boosted for COVID, flu, etc., but we want to make absolutely sure we don't have an asymptomatic case of COVID around a baby. We also currently mask during our newborn sessions since there are so many respiratory viruses going around New Orleans at the moment.  And of course, if we're feeling sick, we will call you to reschedule and keep you and your family safe.

Second: newborn posing in newborn photography. There is a LOT of info floating around the internet about safe posing for newborn sessions. Some of it's good, some of it's not. At OGP, our mantra is always safety first. We do not pose babies in the "froggy pose" where their head is propped up on their hands. While there is theoretically a "safe" way to do this by creating a single composite image from multiple images, we do not do the froggy pose here. We want you to have beautiful, meaningful pictures of your baby; not trendy or unnatural pictures. Our sessions are baby-led, meaning that if your newborn doesn't want to be in a certain position, we do not force it. We can get timeless, gorgeous portraits with your baby without making them upset or uncomfortable.

Third: respecting special circumstances or needs. We will always ask if there are any health issues or concerns we need to know about to keep your baby comfortable during her newborn session. Some babies are cluster-feeding around the time of their newborn portraits. No worries - we'll take a feeding break as many times as we need to. We will never rush you or your baby. We've had babies with long NICU stays, babies who've had heart surgery right after birth, babies with minor birth injuries that we needed to be mindful of - we promise to create beautiful images of your newborn and your family in a stress-free environment, regardless of any special circumstances.

Lastly, we believe newborns deserve the same respect (if not more!) as adults do. They are entitled to respect for their preferences of what makes them feel safe and comfortable. A baby is not a newborn prop. They are fully-fledged, if tiny, human beings, and we want to celebrate their birth with a comfortable, happy, stress-free newborn photography session!

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